Caregiver Coffee Break

Are you faced with choosing between your parents and your children?  Are caregiving challenges overwhelming? Do you find managing multiple agencies and providers overwhelming? Are sibling relationships strained? Is your marriage or partnership at risk? Have you become aware of snapping more at those you love the most?

You might be running on empty.

 Take time for YOU!

Join this weekly 60-minute facilitated support group to get YOUR weekly fill of Tender Loving Care! 

You can't give to others if you're running on empty.


New groups forming soon. Join the Waitlist to be notified of new openings.


Join the Waitlist

What is the group like?

  • Small group - limited to 6 persons
  • All groups are held on Zoom
  • Opportunity to share at your own comfort level
  • A safe space free from judgment, criticism, and solicitation from group members
  • Skilled facilitation - Christy has led support groups, coaching groups, and other learning groups for over 30 years

Caregiving is an act of LOVE!

But who's taking care of you?

Nearly 50% of Americans are in the Sandwich Generation. 

So where do YOU go for support? 

Who might understand the twilight zone of easing your youngest out of diapers while nudging a parent to begin using them?

The mixed emotions of handing your car keys to your newly-licensed teen while desperately trying to convince your parent they should give up their keys?

I recall how much I valued a “Mommy and Me” support group when I had my first child. It was a weekly gathering I looked forward to because other “new” moms were there who could relate, cry and laugh with me as I stumbled through this major transition in my life—just like them.  

Since then, finding support for new stages in my life has been incredibly valuable. 

Learning from books, articles, and lectures is great, but I found meeting others in similar situations a great source of learning and comfort.

This is why I started Caregiver Coffee Break!

Whatever your “Sandwich” might look like, if you are balancing children, aging parents, work, or some other “caregiving combo,” you are welcome to join “Caregiver Coffee Break.”

This 60-minute facilitated ZOOM support group offers a place to share concerns, questions, wins, and challenges with others who really “get it!”

As a facilitated support group, this is designed to be a safe space. Members cannot solicit others, sell their products or services, or correct or criticize fellow members. This is not a faith-based group—all faiths and non-secular folks are welcome. This is a place to speak openly, authentically, listen, and share your own perspective while hearing from others who can relate. 

The cost is $37 per month, or roughly $10 per week (4 monthly sessions). That’s a Venti Latte and a Sandwich! 

Each group is limited to 8 people, so each member gains maximum support. 

Join the Waitlist

Follow me on Facebook at ChristyByrneYates and Instagram to learn more about upcoming events or webinars.

Lead with love, always. 


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